Mercedes Dimmer 
  (One tough lady)

The Dog Story
Which is more interesting
What happened to the dog
Or what happened to the car?
Mr. Gorrillalilla
Big muscular guys 
Sometimes don't know
Their own strength
Especially when it comes
Old Sarge
A great friend
A great customer
And a hero in by book
Big City - Small World
Sometimes all it takes
Is your reputation and 
Mike's Story
Not really car related
But... a car is involved.
Don't Gotta a Gun
Ya never know what 
Will come into the 
The Janitor
Sometimes people
Confuse me with
Somebody else
Sometimes that's a good thing
<<< BACK
Last Stop Before the Asylum
Creepy guy, creepy circumstances
Three Gallons of Trouble
Gas gauge woes
The Bird Lady
Ya meet all kinds 
at the repair shop
One Socket Short a Full Set
This guy's elevator didn't go
to the top floor
Clop, Clop, Clop, Whoosh!
My wife knew what that
sound meant
Some people can't
throw anything away.
Pushing The Limits
A hilarious father and son team
Trying to tow a car
Backdoor Irritation
The front door has a purpose
but not to some.
Communication, Communication
I can't speak Spanish, but I 
am bilingual-- Computer bilingual
How Bout' Friday?
Let's all try and make
up our minds as to 
when we'll bring the car in?
Free The ECM
​Engineers must not
have a great sense of humor
Honesty From The Other Side of the Counter
Facts are truthful, some people
are not
Same Time - Same Station
The missing radio caper
Just move some screws...
that'll fix it.
Let's Make A Deal
A deal is a deal...
deal with it.
Earning Respect at the Part Store
It takes time and good results to
gain the respect you need for 
this job.
You Want Fries With That?
Rush rush.. hurry hurry
it's the worlds pace these days
Once, Twice, Three Times
How many times can you say
the same thing but differently?
A good ol' boy
and a good mechanic too.
Parts Changers
Why go to a professional 
repair shop? All they do is 
change parts right?
Stories 2